Create glorious gardens...

with your strong legs and arms allowing you to lift and hoist and dig and carry from morning to night

Spend mornings fishing...

on the river, keeping your balance walking on slippery rocks to the perfect spot

Drive across the country...

to delight in all it offers, and still feel at ease after days driving through the mountains

Enjoy your wonderfully energetic grandchildren...

with regular play days, matching their pace and enthusiasm

Enjoy your Retirement

Is your body ready to enjoy the activities your mind wants to do?

You’ve worked hard all your life and are ready to focus on other dreams.
You want your body to be ready to embrace all that retirement can offer.

Our bodies do change with age

This book helps you become and stay Strong, Able, Flexible and Energetic to readily handle the physical demands of your chosen activities. With tailored workouts, you become Physically Fit enough to enjoy your Emotionally Fit retirement goals, at the pace and intensity you desire.

Our Goals: To Help You…

• Appreciate why physical fitness is a priority for retirement as our bodies change with age.

• Be S.A.F.E. enough to enjoy your retirement activities.

This book is not just for retirement. It changed the way I look at everyday movement. Leaving the grocery store with 2 bags, I thought I didn’t need to take the cart. I forgot I had the bag of sugar in one, the cans of pasta sauce in the other and the car at the far end of the lot. Half way to the car I thought WOW I’m doing my farmer’s walk for the day.

Marilyn Book

Retired Library Technician

Who should read it?

This book is for anyone seeking an improved quality of life through physical fitness.
You are:

• eager to condition your body to address the demands of the specific travel, hobby, lifestyle or sports that you enjoy

• curious about how your body changes with age, and how exercise can mitigate those changes

• wondering how to focus your exercises, for your S.A.F.E. needs

• looking for effective ways to exercise at home or the gym

• seeking direction on the proper form and sequence of impactful exercises

Retire Fit With S.A.F.E. Workouts is an excellent guide for staying fit in retirement (and sooner). I have personally tested the exercises, and can confirm that they are well-explained, doable, and valuable for maintaining flexibility and strength. The customization of exercises for various activities is an added bonus, not the least because it gives you compelling reasons to exercise so that you can continue to do the activities you love. A regular, well-rounded program like this one also helps to stave off the pains and physical limitations associated with aging, and keeps you in the game.

Charlene Zietsma

Associate Professor, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University

NOTE: The workouts in this book are suited only for people without serious health restrictions or limitations.
It is not designed for those with health concerns or who need specialized rehab rather than re-conditioning exercises. Checking with a health practitioner before starting a fitness regime is always a wise step.

Retire Fit With S.A.F.E. Workouts

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For more information, contact the authors

Part of the Retire Fit Series