What Retire Fit with S.A.F.E. Workouts Provides
If you’re ready to be physically S.A.F.E. to meet your goals,
this book:
Describes 20 typical retirement activities to be Emotionally Fit
• Check out the activities in the 4 categories of: Travel, Hobbies, Lifestyle and Sports
Presents 20 tailored S.A.F.E. home-based workouts designed to support your retirement activities
• Workouts each take about an hour to complete, including the Staple 6™ Warm-up and the Stretchy 7™ cool-down
Provides step-by-step instructions and photos for the core set of 41 exercises,
including the Retire Fit Staple 6™ and Stretchy 7™ series

Provides exercise alternatives, variations and progressions to customize the workouts
• Allows readers to customize their workout by choosing a less or more challenging exercise,
based on their own body’s needs
Gives worksheets for you to customize workouts and track progress
See a Sample

Retire Fit With S.A.F.E. Workouts
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For more information, contact the authors
Part of the Retire Fit Series