What Retire Fit with S.A.F.E. Workouts Provides

If you’re ready to be physically S.A.F.E. to meet your goals,
this book:

Describes 20 typical retirement activities to be Emotionally Fit
Check out the activities in the 4 categories of: Travel, Hobbies, Lifestyle and Sports

Presents 20 tailored S.A.F.E. home-based workouts designed to support your retirement activities
• Workouts each take about an hour to complete, including the Staple 6™ Warm-up and the Stretchy 7™ cool-down

Provides step-by-step instructions and photos for the core set of 41 exercises,
including the Retire Fit Staple 6™ and Stretchy 7™ series

Offers 12 Personal Fitness Evaluations, to assess current and future levels of fitness

Provides exercise alternatives, variations and progressions to customize the workouts
• Allows readers to customize their workout by choosing a less or more challenging exercise,
based on their own body’s needs

Gives worksheets for you to customize workouts and track progress
See a Sample

This book fills a much needed gap in the marketplace with its emphasis on linking exercise to other activities. I found it to be quite enlightening and helpful to be able to drill down into the types of capabilities I need to sustain and enhance in order to get the most from all my retirement plans. Most of us have already settled into familiar patterns and routines. It is nice to read a book which allows you to add small elements to your daily routine – as much or as little as you like.
Maureen Nummelin

Retired Chief Ethics Officer

Retire Fit With S.A.F.E. Workouts

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Part of the Retire Fit Series